Session 2: What is a Business Model? Introduction to the Business Model Canvas

Topic: Understand the core elements of a business model using the BMC.

In your notebook: What aspects of the Business Model Canvas do you find most challenging, and why?

Focus on identifying a major problem or gap in your community or industry. Using the Business Model Canvas, map out a business idea that addresses this problem. Focus on defining your Value Proposition and identifying the Customer Segments that your solution will serve. How will your solution benefit your target market, and what specific customer segments can you serve effectively?

Step 1: Write down the problem or opportunity you see in your industry or community that your business could address.

Step 2: Using the Business Model Canvas, define your Value Proposition:

  • What specific problem does your business solve?
  • What is the unique value you’re offering your customers (product/service features, benefits, or experience)?

Step 3: Identify at least two Customer Segments that would benefit from your solution. Be specific about who these customers are (e.g., small business owners, tech startups, students, or local governments).

Step 4: Begin organizing your notes and ideas in ZERU CleverNote, setting specific goals for:

  • Validating your value proposition with potential customers.
  • Testing your assumptions about your target customer segments.

Lecture: Introduction to the Business Model Canvas

During the lecture, break down the nine components of the Business Model Canvas:

  • Value Proposition
  • Customer Segments
  • Channels
  • Customer Relationships
  • Revenue Streams
  • Key Resources
  • Key Activities
  • Key Partnerships
  • Cost Structure

Exercise: Participants will use Business Model Canvas cards to fill in the components as they map out their business ideas.

Case Study: Review Successful Startups and Their Business Models. Analyze how a well-known startup in your industry used the Business Model Canvas to succeed. What were their Value Proposition and Customer Segments, and how did they connect these two elements to find product-market fit?

ZERU CleverNote: Time Management and Productivity

  • Setting up your digital notebook: Organize your notes and ideas for this session in ZERU CleverNote.
  • Goal Setting: Use the goal-setting feature in ZERU CleverNote to track your progress over the next few weeks. Set clear milestones for customer validation and feedback collection.
  • Learn how to create a vision board and a roadmap for your business.

Action Step: Create a timeline for the next 4 weeks, outlining when you will:

  1. Validate your value proposition.
  2. Interview potential customer segments.
  3. Collect feedback and make adjustments.

ZERU AI Coach Prompts for Session 2:

These AI-driven prompts add practical, real-time reflection to the week’s work:

Prompt 1: You’re considering expanding your customer base. Which additional customer segments could benefit from your product, and why?

  1. Students
  2. Startups in tech
  3. Government agencies
  4. Existing businesses in a different industry


Prompt 2: What are examples of successful business models in your industry, and how can you apply those models to your business idea?


How Session 2 Aligns:

Session 2 ensures that participants leave Week 2 with a clear problem definition, an initial value proposition, and actionable next steps for validating their business idea using ZERU’s digital tools and Business Model Canvas. Let me know if this aligns well with your goals, or if you’d like to make any adjustments!

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